Welcome to My Projects:

About Tea Cozy:

The project was originally created based on a specification provided by Codecademy as part of my learning journey. Its main goal was to showcase my understanding of Flexbox. However, after completing the project, I wanted to personalize it and add my own touch. I enhanced the design by adding borders around the images, making the links fully functional with same-page navigation links, and implementing a fully responsive design. Additionally, I added a border to the header and made several minor adjustments to improve the overall user experience.I believe this project is a great representation of my skills because, after completing the initial specification, I took the opportunity to explore and expand upon the design, which led to the final version you're seeing. I really enjoyed learning Flexbox through this project. It’s a solid example of a simple landing page with functionality and a focus on responsive design, which is an essential skill in front-end development.

About All Dog Obedience:

All Dog Obedience is the project I’m most proud of to date. It was entirely designed and built by me, and it really showcases a wide range of skills. This fully functional 4-page website includes header button navigation, CSS Grid and Flexbox for layout, and a fully responsive design. I also incorporated JavaScript for the review section and linked the footer to the contact button with same-page navigation. Additionally, the footer includes an embedded Google Map for location details.What makes this project especially meaningful to me is that I pushed myself throughout the entire process and learned a lot along the way. Even when certain aspects were challenging, it reaffirmed my passion for coding and my commitment to delivering the best possible product for my clients.